Thursday, August 09, 2007


Kenya: 2 days to go!!!!!

On another matter, and I'm alone in my flat now. Shin Yee has gone back to Malaysia for about a week now, Thurston is in Scotland for 2 weeks now, and Eliza has been away to France (and still not sure when's she coming back because she just bought I one-way ticket. I wonder if she has actually bought her return flight ticket yet) for 3 weeks now. Huhuh

On another totally unrelated issue, as per requested by Ms Izy, and I suppose many of you guys who have been reading my new 'wish' column will be wondering what Zorbing is. It's a kind of extreme(?) sport activity where you (and a partner, if you wish) are placed inside the ball and will push down a hill. There two ways of how they will put you inside the zorb-ball:
  1. Strap you on the medial wall, and you just basically roll down
  2. What I prefer to call as the 'hamster position', where you try on remain standing upright as you go down the hill. To add to the fun, there's water poured into the ball prior to rolling - to really, really make sure that you are true 'human-hamster' - as a dry as hamster's fur, if you survive the ordeal.
Here are some pictures:

Here's a video to fully illustrate the fun of Zorbing

But, seriously mahal sangat! 2 times going down the hill = £35- 70. Maybe In Australia or NZ, it might be cheaper.


.:kAi:. said...

looks damn cool la the bola bola thing

Aaron said...

Yeah!! I think it's also available in Aussie and NZ

ihsan_huhu said...

gila... kerbau tanduk pon xboleh mati

Wonderfully made said...

Hey Aaron! Never heard of it here lar..