Thursday, November 20, 2008

Barts choir

Yeah, I did it again - singing in THE Royal Albert Hall with the Barts Choir. It's been 1.5 years since I last did it.

Other than 'Towards The Unknown Region' by Vaughan Williams, we also sang 'Carmina Burana' by Carl Orff. One of the movements (songs) in the latter, called "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi", is very famous because this is used in a lot of epic battle scenes and adverts. There are a lot more movements within Carmina Burana that very enjoyable to listen to - interestingly not many people know that.

I had really wonderful time singing them, especially Carmina Burana. After we finished this very challenging piece, I was VERY elated at the cheers from the audience!

If you still have no idea which song I'm talking about, check this out:

And this is my favourite, the tongue-twister exercise 'In taberna Quando Sumus'. I've included the lyrics for this video (note: drag to 1:13), so have fun trying them out! Somehow this movement is almost like rapping - the classical music way!

In taberna quando sumus
In taberna quando sumus,
non curamus quid sit humus,
sed ad ludum properamus,
cui semper insudamus.

Quid agatur in taberna

ubi nummus est pincerna,
hoc est opus ut queratur, si quid loquar, audiatur (2x)

Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt,
quidam indiscrete vivunt.
Sed in ludo qui morantur,
ex his quidam denudantur
quidam ibi vestiuntur,
quidam saccis induuntur.
Ibi nullus timet mortemsed, pro Baccho mittunt sortem (2x)

Primo pro nummata vini,
ex hac bibunt libertini;
semel bibunt pro captivis,
post hec bibunt ter pro vivis,
quater pro Christianis cunctis
quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis,
sexies pro sororibus vanis,
septies pro militibus silvanis.

Octies pro fratribus perversis,
nonies pro monachis dispersis,
decies pro navigantibus
undecies pro discordantibus,
duodecies pro penitentibus,
tredecies pro iter agentibus.
Tam pro papa quam
pro regebibunt omnes sine lege.

Bibit hera, bibit herus,
bibit miles, bibit clerus,
bibit ille, bibit illa,
bibit servis cum ancilla,
bibit velox, bibit piger,
bibit albus, bibit niger,
bibit constans, bibit vagus
bibit rudis, bibit magnus.
Bibit pauper et egrotus,
bibit exul et ignotus,
bibit puer, bibit canus,
bibit presul et decanus,bibit soror,
bibit frater,bibit anus, bibit mater,
bibit ista, bibit ille,
bibunt centum, bibunt mille.

Parum sexcente nummate durant,
cum immoderatebibunt omnes sine meta.
Quamvis bibant mente leta,
sic nos rodunt omnes genteset sic erimus egentes.
Qui nos rodunt confundanturet cum iustis non scribantur.

And finally some pictures:

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