Thursday, July 26, 2007

I went home just now....

Penampang, of Kota Kinabalu city

After zooming in zooming out, and (almost) aimless tracing home, finally found it. It's an incredible journey! zoom at your pleasure

p/s Distance between home and cemetery ground = 100m. Sometimes I go home very late at night. Very.



ihsan_huhu said...

wah.. can bom from plane.. yeah

Aaron said...

that's why exactly i hid the coordinate... supaya en taliban tidak boleh bom.hahhaha

ihsan_huhu said...

put 1 big bom wan... all gone.. no need specific coordinate

n.i.s.n.m said...

ya know, my home is way 'kampung" than yours. i couldnt find it on the map. or rather, the satellite could not locate my house. all i see is green. *phmmh*

Aaron said...

Mana boleh lagi kampung dari awak punya, Izy. just go the link you saw in the picture in this entry. sure boleh jumpa punya!

pengetahuan umum: di jalan raya dekat2 rumah saya, ada banyak babi (bersama anak2) berkeliaran. Dapat juga dilihat ialah banyak adegan anjing2 dengan rambangnya 'membuat cinta' di tempat umum.