Wednesday, January 23, 2008


If only I live in Dawson these next eight weeks for my PPD module, I would so much happier than the state I am at.

Living in whitechapel means that on a daily basis for the next 8 weeks I would have to force myself to wake up at 7, so that I can continously snooze my alarm clock over and over until I it's nearly 8. Then quickly rush to get the bus

I have this impression that rush hour = more frequent buses considering the amount of people that needs to be transported. However, I learn that's not the way it's like here, including the tube. I reached my lecture 20 minutes late only to find that my lecturer had not arrived until 5 minutes later. Buses are just very unreliable, and only I knew such thing is bound to happen, I might as well walked all the way to my lecture, rather than just anxiously waiting in vainfor buses to arrive, and finds myself a) not being able to take the bus because it's too packed
b) be stuck in traffic jam

At the moment it feels weird to be back to lecture-based teachings after spending a lot of fun time in the hospital for 13 weeks. The topics including psychology, public health and ethics - are very not worth the trouble of waking early and rush to Barts to make it on time.

I'm contemplating whether I should skip tomorrow's lecture

1 comment:

ihsan_huhu said...

tido mcm kerbau... haih