Sunday, January 13, 2008

First post of 2008

Life's interesting when you are full interests. People might just notice how interesting you are when you have many different things to talk about.

That's what I want to achieve this year. Not to be just single-surface, clinging on to just old interests, but to also discover other things in life. Not to be just stuck with my medical studies.

Medicine itself is undeniably attractive to me. Never fails to impress me everytime I go into hospital. However, I don't my interest to be cold quickly, so I must occupy myself with more things to do this year! Now with the raise in JPA allowance, I hope this year I will do more traveling, be involved with more things (not just choir and MSoc). Hopefully they will help me to perform better, academic and non-academic wise.

Then probably I have more things to blog about =)

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