Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kaamatan blues

Tomorrow is the beginning of Harvest festival, an event that every Sabahan (and Malaysian) celebrates for two days. The Harverst Festival, or more well known as Pesta Kaamatan or Pesta Menuai is a traditionally a celebration of the ancestors thanking the Gods for the abundant paddy harvest that they received. Now, this annual celebration becomes a platform for everyone to meet and be merry - it's almost like an new year's celebration for the Kadazan. That culminates on the 31st of May where the highly-anticipated Kadazan Beauty paegant contest, Unduk Ngadau, takes place. All these (pretty) girls, who don the traditional costumes of the various indigenous races in Sabah, have come this far now - from competing with thousands of other girls in the village-level, to district and now for the ultimate stage - State level.

Just a note of interest: There is even a representative from Klang for this contest! Despite not being a district in Sabah, Klang was chosen. As to why Klang and not other districts in Penisula Malaysia, I have no idea. I don't think there are even many Kadazans in Klang (if not I would have already gone out to Klang every weekend to meet them in my KMB days!). Imagine if there's a representative from Banting, how would you think the costume be?

Definitely not like this! (too revealing!too much skin exposed!). They are my family members, by the way :)

Below is the list of the contestants of this year's Kaamatan Unduk Ngadau (curi from a blogger's website called Carol). I just can't believe how commercialised this event has been.

(click here to enlarge)

And here I am, in London, finishing a super boring, stupid, and tedious 8000-10,000 word essay which requires me to be critical of my own recorded interview with a patient, think about the potential psychosocial and ethical implications. LOADS OF B***S***. All (okay, not all)I'm interested now is to study for upcoming exam (one more month to go!) . I better pass my exam this time. I want a proper summer holiday back home. Can't wait to go home!!!!

Anyway, Happy Harvest Festival! Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan!!


Liez said...

Happy Kaamatan!!

Ask our local Bobohizan to buat ceremonylah (you know, caryn itu....)


Anonymous said...

Aaron! Haaapppy Kaamatan to you and your family ya... when you get back here, don't forget 'fruit hand'. haaha... jk.

Anonymous said...

you know in the bits that the medical student only reads?
maybe in each paragraph you could sneak in a line or two of 'why am i doing this?' or 'i want to do some proper work!' to make up the word limit.

i don't remember having written that much.. maybe i just didnt care.

good luck! don't let it get to you. get to it first.

Aaron said...

Liez: Thank you! Nanti I cari few more Kadazan girls then we can have unduk ngadau here. Hehe.

Panggil bobohizan buat apa? Minta ceremony hujan, isit? :P

Arms:Happy Kaamatan to you too!

Anonymous: Thank you the empathy you have demonstrated (SSM style LOL). May seriously consider your suggestion if I'm super depressed and ultra desperate to get at least 8000 words. At 3000 words now!

h.3.l.3.n said...

Happy Kaamatan~ and i am having gawai too now to think of it~

sm said...

happy kaamatan aaron! i almost forgot man..nasib baik u mentioned it