Friday, July 25, 2008

Cuti-cuti Malaysia 2

Met some friends.. Some of them whom I have not seen for 6 years!

This, ladies and gentleman, is an old cicak (gecko)....seriously very old. I was holding an unstable cabinet at my house when this animal was only 60cm away from my hand! I prayed very hard it would not crawl towards my hand!! Gosh, for 1.5 years in UK, I never see this fella.
click to enlarge


And this is BABI hutan........ about to be cooked. Yumm


ihsan_huhu said...

oi.. itu cicak lagi sedap drpd babi hutan!

cicak tuh byk gile dkt oz nih.. tgh2 jalan mati kne langgar kereta kat tpt placement aku arituh!

Anonymous said...

That's one big fella. Gemuk owh dia, jaga2 ur food ah ada dia ambil cebis-cebisan that haaha. Pork?! Yummy;B

h.3.l.3.n said...

the babi hutan does look scary!!