Sunday, July 20, 2008


Sorry lah I haven't been blogging for a while.

Anyways, a quick update about everything

1. I passed my exam! And now, I'm officially a 4th year medical student. Damn, 3 years gone by really quick, and now just 2 more years to go.. before you call me: Dr.Wilson

2. Congrats seniors for graduating. You are officially doctors now! :)

3. Most important of all..... I'm back in Malaysia. Woooohooooo. After 1.5 years not being back in KK, I finally balik. It's really wonderful here. Food is good (albeit being high in salt, fat, msg content) - I'll indulge myself with food and make myself fat for this holiday. Some impressive changes have been taking place in this part of the world - more flyovers, more upcoming residential spots and more shopping malls. Loving the £ money ( exchange rate at £1= RM6.38). Shop and makan like gila!

4. I always told my Semenanjung friends that I always see pigs crossing the road in the area where I live. Til now I haven't seen them yet. Although I have seen a dead snake, freshly-flattened, ran over by a car on the road.

5. I painted my room! Never re-painted it since it was first painted. So now, gone are my childhood 'artwork' on the wall with the brand new honey-dew colour on the wall. And now, to add more deco's to my room!

6. Things to settle for summer:

a. Settle Raya/fresher's dinner venue for QMMSoc. Never knew it would be that costly to hire a place in London. Takut overbudget. Then, Mandela and I will settle to get sponsorship for the society next year

b. Climb Mount Kinabalu! Go to Manukan Island!

c. Meet up old college/classmates

d. Chillex

e. Shopping

f. Visit my La Salle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to meet up ya...;D