Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Les Miserables

One of my favourite musicals! I watched it last year. And I still can't stop admiring this play!

Want to feel overwhelmed?
Want your mind to be blown away?
Want to karaoke?

Then, listen (and watch) these videos!

Bring him home (his ending is superb!!!!!!! Speechless!!!)

One day more (you get goose bumps after listening to this!)

Castle on a cloud + Master of the house (the 2nd song is very funny!)


Final act (they get standing ovation at the end of the performance. Discover why)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tomorrow comes!

1 day to finals...

Finally, after seeing this on my wall in front of my study table for the past 40 days, 40 nights...

if you're seriously bored, click pic to enlarge and make new discoveries!

YOU. I've been waiting. And tomorrow we shall be re-united!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Horror story

2 days to finals...

Imagine you are stroling in a park and you suddenly notice this very hot chick/guy. Then you thought, hmmm.... s/he is not bad at all.

Then s/he turns you to and you are staring at her/him.

And s/he stares at you too.

Your heart beats fast.

And funnily enough, s/he then gives a smile. And you're like, "Gee, s/he even smiles at me. Wow. A gorgeous girl/guy smiling a me so meaningfuly I would like to get know her/him right this moment."

Your hearbeat beats even faster now, fueled with excitement.

But suddenly, it stops.

Then suddenly you realized a horrorifying reality: you commit a mortal sin. A sin that is devastatingly very difficult to be atoned for. Your soul cries out: This feeling should not even been there!

Because .... s/he is YOUR very own friend. Your buddy.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Placement; Kings of Convenience

3 days to finals...

Today my placement for 3rd year has come out - I'm going to Southend, in the district of Essex, London. I'll be on a 13 week stint of clincal training. And I can't really wait, because I'm going to be at a coastal (beach, sea!!!!!) part of England. Being part of the metropolitan city of London helps me to appreciate the sea a lot more (River Thames doesn't count obviously, although I still love walking along there). Can't wait!

Of course, I need to pass my second year finals first!

Kings of convenience

I particularly fell in love with the songs that this group played. Like many fans, I say that their songs have very bosanova tune to it. They are very skilful guitarists, man! I must say their music is very simple (a lot of guitar) yet it's wonderful! I particularly like Misread and Cayman Islands. I just can't stop playing their music in my head now.

Cayman Islands


This duo have been quite for a long time. And they have existed for a quite a while already, and I only discovered them like last week! I knew I'm missing a lot! If only I knew them earlier...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Reality check 2

4 days to finals...

How prepared I am? Not prepared? Very prepared?


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reality check

5 days to Finals...

Back in those good old days, my friends used to ask me:

"Aaron, how come you can score the subjects? I tried a lot of methods already, but I still couldn't get better result."

When I came to KMB, I finally could somewhat understand how it felt like when I was in thrown into the exact situation.

I beg for the answer for the very same question directed to me before this: How do you just do it (so easily)?

Then, to medical school. And the reality is even more gripping.

I try to reason it out, but the more I do it, the more I realize I'm just wasting my time.

Probably a rather short-lived remedy for this dilemma now is: Why even bother?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This seems to be more interesting than revising

DwiMonolog dalaman
Latar tempat: Floyer house
Latar masa: 6 hari sebelum Finals; sudah 2 tahun tidak menulis karangan dalam BM

ku tidak peduli sudah, Aaron! Mengapakah aku harus terus mengulangkaji pelajaran?!?!? Aku sudah tahu semua fakta yang perlu diketahui! Mengapakah tidak saja kita berseronok sehinggalah waktu peperiksaan menjelang tiba? Lagipun, tidak ada gunanya engkau harus dicengkam terseksa dalam memaksa diri engkau untuk terus belajar! Kau kena akur Aaron! Kau tidak lagi boleh menyerap sebarang ilmu lagi sekarang. Otak kau sudah sudah tepu!

h, aku tidak peduli itu semua, Aaron! Sekurang-kurangnya, apabila aku membuka nota-nota aku ada sekarang aku masih lagi berkesempatan menduga kelemahan-kelemahan aku agar dapat membariskan wasilah untuk mengatasinya!

ambut aku sudah panjang, Aaron! Berapa lagikah harus aku bertahan sebelum kita boleh mendapatkan khidmat potong rambut? Kita haruslah berkelihatan kemas di hadapan pesakit minggu hadapan. Tambahan pula, pada musim panas ini, tentulah kau tidak akan berasa selasa. Aku khuatir kau tidak dapat menumpukan perhatian semasa menjawab soalan-soalan peperiksaan nanti. Jadi, marilah, berikan masa untuk awak berehat.

h ya, cadangan yang bernas, Aaron. Tapi kita tidak ada duitlah. JPA belum memasukkan duit lagi ke dalam akaun bank kita. Kalau kau hendak juga memotong rambut kau minggu ini juga, nampaknya kita akan menjadi lebih miskinlah. Pengemberaan kau ke Kenya bulan Ogos nanti sudah berjumlah sekurang-kurangnya £1000. Banyak duit tu, Aaron. Kalau aku kaulah, aku boleh balik Malaysia, tau! Kau tu bukannya bekerja cuti ni. Oleh yang demikian, bertambah miskinlah kau!

ampaknya kita sudah membazirkan banyak masa berperang mulut tentang hal-hal yang remeh-temeh. Jomlah belajar. Tinggal 6 hari sahaja lagi sebelum peperiksaan bermula; sedar tak sedar, pada hari pagi Jumaat depan, kita sudah akan bebas merdeka! Yahoooo!


  1. Bincangkan tema dan persoalan-persoalan dalam monolog ini.
  2. Pada pendapat anda, wajarkah pengarang menggunakan teknik 'split personality' dalam menyampaikan nilai dan pengajaran yang cuba diketengahkan?
  3. Patutkah beliau membuang masanya dalam menghasilkan warkah picisan sebegini sebegini walaupun peperiksaan semakin tiba? Ulaskan.

pernyataan: cerita ni sememangnya disengajakan dikaitkan dengan semua insiden hidup seorang manusia yang bernama Aaron. Segala kesalahan tatabahasa memang disengajakan (sebab BM aku memang sudah hancur) Sekian, majulah sukan untuk negara.

Monday, June 04, 2007

My reflection on faith

While searching wikipedia on 'amyloidosis', I accidently came to the article of the religion-sensitive case of Lina Joy in Malaysia, it just made me wonder one thing:

what actually defines your faith? what others decide for you? your religion label? or own choice? or your relationship with God?
