Saturday, June 23, 2007

Horror story

2 days to finals...

Imagine you are stroling in a park and you suddenly notice this very hot chick/guy. Then you thought, hmmm.... s/he is not bad at all.

Then s/he turns you to and you are staring at her/him.

And s/he stares at you too.

Your heart beats fast.

And funnily enough, s/he then gives a smile. And you're like, "Gee, s/he even smiles at me. Wow. A gorgeous girl/guy smiling a me so meaningfuly I would like to get know her/him right this moment."

Your hearbeat beats even faster now, fueled with excitement.

But suddenly, it stops.

Then suddenly you realized a horrorifying reality: you commit a mortal sin. A sin that is devastatingly very difficult to be atoned for. Your soul cries out: This feeling should not even been there!

Because .... s/he is YOUR very own friend. Your buddy.


ihsan_huhu said...

weih.. which fren of u then?kasi aku la sng.. hahha

this thing happen to me few weeks ago in the library, but i dun know her n xjumpa dah.. wah.. sedih2

Hani Izhar said...

hmmmmm....interesting Aaron, VERY interesting..

weh, true story ah?

Aaron said...

mana ada benar. Hehehe.

signither said...

aaaaaaa.. ive been thru this!! =(