Saturday, May 12, 2007

Locus of control

"Miracles, in the sense of phenomena we cannot explain, surround us on every hand: life itself is the miracle of miracles."
-George Bernard Shaw

T o r q u e - the point when your life suddenly takes an upturn.

I was listening to when the radio had a call-in from listeners to tell them about their overslept experience in the underground. Of those stories, the one that found really interesting was a lady overslept on the last tube, had missed her stop, and got stuck inside the carriage for hours with another man - who ended up getting married with her!

All this because she overslept.

Many of us wished that life is like a fairy tale , to live happily ever after. Unfortunately, it does not necessarily going to happen. I just wondered how my life will turn out to be. Will I be the one whom I want to be, or what fate wants me to be? If the latter happens, will I be able to handle it?

I really do not what's ahead of me. I have always imagined myself to play a leadership role in my society, especially back. I seem to have this thought-process of you become a doctor, Aaron; and then you'll be some big guy in the state. That just seems too straight-forward, too true to happen. Not to say I don't like that, but I'm just ... afraid - afraid that it will actually happen. I'm worried when it does, I'm still not prepared for it - and create catastrophic mistakes from my decisions and actions.

As of now, I still can't think of the twisted plans that fate have planted for me. So far, my life journey is 'following' what many people are telling me since I was young:

Get into a 'favourite' secondary school; yup, checked.
Excel in SPM: yup, checked.
Get a scholarship to medicine: yup, checked.
Get into medical school: yup, checked.

And waiting for time to unveil these. I just wonder how will these be happening? Typically expected, or Drastically shocking?:

Graduate: ?
Specialised: ?
Who am I in the society: ?
Relationships: ?
Family: ?
God: ?

At present, I'm enjoying whatever I do. I don't necessarily do it for my future. If I were to ever find my T o r q u e , hope that will a great one.

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